2022: Year of Impact

To our clean energy community, 

2022 has been an exciting year, filled with victories for the clean energy movement. 

The landscape has changed, and we are chasing bolder goals. In February, our community announced a forward-thinking strategic plan to support an ambitious aspiration: achieve a 90% carbon-free U.S. electricity system by 2030 and create a global community of energy customers driving clean energy. Wow, did you deliver. Your commitment and the action taken by your companies to advance clean energy is the reason we have achieved so much as a community. Thank you for your leadership, dedication, and the collaborative spirit. 

“This year, we’ve seen our community of experts make great progress toward a carbon-free U.S. electricity system. With 25% growth our membership with companies across commercial and industrial sectors — CEBA is positioned to make even more critical impacts in 2023.”

David Haines II, Senior Vice President, Strategy & Impact

Your voice and influence strengthened our advocacy efforts to unlock markets all year long.  Our community’s persistence led to the clean energy provisions in historic legislation that will unleash billions of dollars in voluntary commitments for decarbonization. You engaged with us through the Buyers Policy Team to improve and expand organized wholesale markets, transmission, and data harmonization.  In the West, we elevated the energy customer voice during dialogues on regional coordination and market design issues. Your priorities and market needs as energy customers were elevated by our team to critical decision-makers at federal agencies, committee hearings, and congressional offices.

“From progress at FERC to state-level influence on market policies and new federal laws that include CEBA principles, this has been a year of big policy wins for CEBA and its members. With your collaboration, we look forward to building on this progress in 2023 as we advocate for customer-driven market and transmission opportunities and reforms.”

Misti Groves Vice President, Market and Policy Innovation

We came together as a community, in person, TWICE this year. At CEBA Connect: Spring Summit in Detroit, we sang with AY Young, networked, and of course talked a lot of energy. During CEBA at VERGE we had compelling discussions with partners new and familiar. Through boot camps, webinars, energy customer calls, and regional happy hours, we partnered to accomplish our shared goal: a customer-driven clean energy future.

“We are thrilled that our community could meet in person to connect as humans, share laughs, ideas, and solutions. We had a jam-packed year! From fostering global public-private collaboration, to prioritizing carbon-impacts, there was incredible growth in customer-driven clean energy. We look forward to continuing this work with you in 2023 and beyond.”

Mark Porter, Vice President, Transaction Acceleration Group

As CEO Miranda Ballentine says, meeting in person is where the magic happens. You can register NOW for CEBA Connect: 2023 Spring Summit on May 9-11, 2023 in Seattle, Washington. You will have the opportunity to connect with industry peers, learn emerging trends, find solutions to your greatest challenges in the energy market, and more. For the newest members of our community, we can’t wait to meet you! 

You have helped us achieve incredible progress this year – we hope you take a moment to celebrate the wins and have a restful end of year break . We’ll be back at it in support of YOUR goals in 2023!

Warm regards,

The Clean Energy Buyers Association Team