A Procurement Conundrum: Small Clean Energy Customers Encounter Roadblocks to Meeting Goals

Small and medium businesses (SMBs) have many of the same motivations for procuring clean energy as larger, more established clean energy customers. Procuring clean energy can help a company attract talent, stand out among competitors, and manage risk. But businesses with fewer employees, tighter cash flows, less substantial annual electricity loads (less than 100,000 megawatt hours [MWhs]), and/or no or low credit ratings face significant barriers to entry into the clean energy market. 

The Clean Energy Buyers Institute (CEBI) is determined to tackle these market barriers. The first phase of that endeavor — already underway — is conducting a listening tour to better understand the lay of the land. We have heard significant challenges but also great success stories. It is evident there is significant will from SMBs to make a meaningful impact in the clean energy space, but there are limited ways for SMBs to get involved. 

Seven of the biggest hurdles SMBs encounter include:

The CEBI Small and Medium Business Accelerator (SaMBA) program is a collaborative effort to solve the toughest market barriers for smaller clean energy customers — and we want your input. Do you have ideas that may facilitate SMBs’ clean energy journeys? Do you want to stay informed as this work at CEBI progresses? Email ashby@cebi.org with your thoughts. CEBI and the SaMBA team would like to thank the Arthur Vining Davis Foundation for its financial support of this important work.