CEBA Files Comments In Support of the Arizona Corporation Commission Investigation into a Western RTO

The Clean Energy Buyers Association filed comments on December 21, 2021 with the Arizona Corporation Commission in support of a continued and transparent investigation into regional transmission organization (RTO) participation. CEBA’s filing reiterates that energy customers support well-designed and well-implemented organized wholesale markets as a way to accelerate customer access to affordable, clean energy. Recent studies focused on western market expansion found that a full RTO model would maximize cost savings across the West.

CEBA members have collectively invested in over 5,000 MW of clean energy projects, which represents 87% of deals in the Western United States and 500 MW of generation procurement in Arizona alone. However, an organized wholesale market in the west would increase procurement opportunities, pricing transparency, and regional coordination of transmission. These benefits can provide more affordable access to customer-driven clean energy for all.

Click below to download the full comments for additional details.