CEBA Fillings Support Customer Clean Energy Access in the Southeast and West

CEBA filed comments on Friday, July 15 in both the Southeastern and Western regions of the U.S. to elevate customer voices and support access to low-cost and reliable clean energy.
In the Southeast, CEBA commented on Duke Energy’s Carbon Plan, which was filed with the North Carolina Utilities Commission on May 16, 2022.
CEBA’s comments asserted that the current plan does not meaningfully expand direct customer access to renewable generation resources or provide a viable pathway for North Carolina to meet its own mandated goals. CEBA recommends that the North Carolina Public Utility Commission should not accept the plan until substantial improvements have been made, including expansion of Duke’s customer clean energy program: Green Source Advantage (GSA).
Meanwhile in the West, CEBA commented on Southwest Power Pool’s (SPP’s) proposed governance structure for its new Markets+ offering. CEBA supports the expansion of wholesale markets to expand customer access but lays out key customer priorities for governance and recommendations to better align the Markets+ straw proposal with those priorities. Future western wholesale markets require governance structures that maintain independence, transparency, and broad customer representation. CEBA will seek alignment with these principles in other market offerings, such as California Independent System Operator’s (CAISOs) Extended Day Ahead Market (EDAM) , and is hosting a webinar on July 26.
CEBA’s comments in both regions will support customer access and representation while still supporting overall momentum on both state and market level clean energy development.