CEBA Member Highlight: ITRenew

The definition of sustainability often refers to the three Es – environment, economy, and equity. It states that any activity must have a balanced framework supported by these three pillars and meet today’s needs without compromising the needs of future generations. The last decade resulted in substantial demonstration of the first two Es, for example, power generation from clean energy sources surpassed coal, costs have dropped significantly for electricity from solar and wind, and unprecedented momentum was gained for climate action advocates. While we continue to build on that work, this is another decade for decisive climate action, and it demands that we champion the third pillar of sustainability – equity. 

For this call to action, we must identify and mitigate the undue burdens that climate changes places on already-challenged populations. At ITRenew, our work is based on the principles of IT asset circularity. We are recycling and remarketing solutions, and redesigning materials to be less resource intensive. ITRenew is poised to collaborate with other companies who align with our desire to create a more sustainable world, built on the principles of a circular economy, and fulfilling the true meaning of sustainability. 

  • How can we collaborate to build a larger clean energy project optimized for excessive infrastructure? 
  • What does it take to band together on a project that uplifts an underserved community? 
  • Is there a way to create synergies and overcome the linear systems that keep us siloed?

There is tremendous opportunity to join forces with companies who want to embody a circular economy and construct the third pillar of sustainability – equity. ITRenew has set out to reach net zero for its carbon footprint and believes it can achieve the equity pillar by working with others. 

Founded in 2000, ITRenew principally serves hyperscalers, the fastest growing segment of the global IT Asset Disposition market. Their mission is to prove that financial success is not incompatible with having a positive impact on our environment and society.