CEBA Supports Improved Governance for CAISO’s Extended Day Ahead Market (EDAM)

The Clean Energy Buyers Association (CEBA) filed comments with partners Western Resource Advocates, Renewable Northwest, Western Grid Group, NW Energy Coalition with the goal to expand opportunities for energy customers to shape this developing market structure and to address governance changes needed as the Extended Day Ahead Market (EDAM) expands.  

The California Independent System Operator (CAISO) EDAM Governance Review Committee (GRC) asked three specific questions: 

The comments ask the GRC to begin working on governance for EDAM now, rather than waiting until market design is complete. The comments support an iterative process with several requests to create easier stakeholder engagement. For example, posting materials in advance of meetings and allowing time for different sectors to discuss viewpoints. 

The comments also support expanding EIM governance to EDAM rules. This includes GRC ensuring the governing body has a shared role in approving policy initiatives, the rules are straightforward and transparent, and that rules enhance trust between governing bodies, participants, regulators and other stakeholders.  The joint comments make clear that a full regional transmission organization (RTO) offered by CAISO for neighboring states should have a governance structure with regional representation, rather than CAISO delegating authority from its narrow Board, as is the case for Energy Imbalance Market (EIM) and EDAM. 

Click below to download the full comments for additional details.