Wholesale markets refer to the purchase and sale of electricity among generators and energy suppliers, along with services needed to maintain a safe and reliable power system. Organized wholesale markets are centrally managed markets that provide a platform for transparent and competitive wholesale electricity trading.

U.S. Corporate Carbon Emissions-Free Demand Outlook

Learn about forecasted corporate demand for carbon emissions-free energy by 2035.

Customer Data Needs for Greenhouse Gas Reporting in the U.S. West

Learn about energy customer needs for centralized West-wide greenhouse gas reporting.

Energy Customer Priorities for Meeting Resource Adequacy Needs

Learn about energy customer needs and recommendations for grid resource adequacy.

Thumbnail photo of Organized World Markets document.

Organized Wholesale Market Explainer

Learn the basics of organized wholesale markets.

Organized Wholesale Market Benefits

Here’s how organized wholesale markets contribute cost, customer, and community benefits.

Organized Wholesale Market Expansion in the West 

Understand the benefits of western organized wholesale market expansion.

Organized Wholesale Market Principles

CEBA’s market design and implementation recommendations.