CEBA Supports U.S. Department of State’s Clean Energy Demand Initiative at COP26

Today, Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry launched the U.S. Department of State’s new Clean Energy Demand Initiative (CEDI) at the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) in Glasgow alongside sustainability officers from corporate energy customers Amazon, HP, Inter IKEA Group, and Nike.

Energy customer companies, many of whom participate in the CEBA community, have championed clean energy for over a decade. The Clean Energy Demand Initiative is an unprecedented opportunity to align the private sector with government support to drive the demand for clean energy by enabling an environment for investment in clean energy infrastructure worldwide. In support of the Department of State’s Initiative, CEBA and its peers, engaged over 75 multinational companies to assert their commitments to accelerate the global transition to clean energy.

“Corporate energy customer demand and platforms have the ability to influence change and transform the energy sector and supply chains. The Clean Energy Demand Initiative helps harness that influence to unlock nearly $100 billion for building resilient, clean energy infrastructure. It’s incredible that more than 40 multinational companies, including several that are part of the CEBA community, have formalized their pledge to decarbonization through this initiative,” said Miranda Ballentine, CEO of Clean Energy Buyers Association.

Through CEDI, companies have signed letters of intent to procure renewable energy to offset electricity demand across a multitude of sectors, including technology, manufacturing, retail, and health. In turn, countries will work together to signal support by clearing pathways for clean energy technology, international financing, and enhanced climate policy. 

The Department of State’s initiative demonstrates that energy customers can continue to use their voluntary buying power to unlock the energy markets both domestically and abroad. The CEBA community has been, and continues to be, a driving force calling for clean energy procurement options in markets where few or no options currently exist, allowing all energy consumers and communities to benefit from renewable energy. 

CEBA applauds all the companies that have stepped up to the challenge of our decade, and especially the members of the CEBA community for their continued commitment to decarbonizing the energy system. We look forward to continuing our collaborative relationships with the U.S. Department of State, the Office of the Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, peer organizations, companies, and governments around the world to create robust, reliable, cost-competitive, credible, and equitable markets that support clean energy for all. 

Now is the time to turn the momentum from COP26 into action. 

To learn more about CEDI, please watch the announcement video here and read the U.S. Department of State Media Note.
To join the global community of corporate clean energy buyers, please click here to learn more about CEBA membership.