2020 Recap: Demand signals for deep decarbonization

A look back at how CEBA’s members have sent demand signals across supply chains and international markets for clean energy.

In 2020, the number of companies committing to take climate action by setting science-based targets (SBTs) surpassed 1,000 worldwide – and this number continues to grow! Consistent with this rise, we have also seen increased interest from companies in addressing their scope 3 emissions – or the emissions produced from upstream and downstream activities within a company’s full value chain.1  

Throughout the year, we have seen companies working more closely with their supply chain partners on energy sustainability. CEBA’s Supply Chain and International Collaboration team published the Supply Chain Partner Engagement Roadmap to accelerate meaningful supply chain climate action with step-by-step guidance for energy buyers engaging their supply chain partners.  

Energy buyers have also been motivated to address tough supply chain sectors that are challenging for individual companies to decarbonize, such as leased spaces. CEBA’s Lessor Sustainable Energy Network (LESSEN) was established to train landlords and data center owners on sustainable energy strategies to help reduce emissions from buildings and meet energy goals. The Future of Internet Power (FoIP)continues to evolve with support from key stakeholders to develop solutions for energy management and renewable procurement by data service providers. 

If you’re noticing an emerging trend of companies eager to drive impact in markets beyond the U.S., you’re right, and if you guessed that it can be daunting to navigate the complexities of deep decarbonization in nascent international energy markets you get bonus points. 

The Decarbonizing Industrial Supply Chain Energy (DISC-e) initiative launched in 2020 to address industrial sector emissions, which are a primary driver of energy-related greenhouse gas emissions growth globally. The initiative will partner with key market leading companies to identify the industrial commodity with the highest emissions reductions impact, and partner with these companies to send demand signals to supply chain partners. CEBA’s International Connection Platform was created to foster buyer-to-buyer connections in energy markets worldwide, as was a monthly discussion series,Worldwide Wednesdays.  

In 2021, we will build on the foundation created in 2020 and continue to support CEBA members with their supply chain and international procurement goals. Equipped with the tools, resources, and community of the SCIC program, CEBA members and their supply chain partners will be a leading force driving the rapid transition to a cleaner, prosperous, zero-carbon energy future in markets worldwide. 

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We’re heading into 2021 with renewed effort for meaningful climate action and we hope you’ll join us.