2020 Recap: Energy Market Connections

A look back at how CEBA connected energy industry stakeholders to accelerate the uptake of renewable energy.
When CEBA asks its members about how we can bring them value, we always hear the same thing: connections. CEBA events help forge connections between renewable energy professionals. CEBA primers and guides help practitioners see the connections between their everyday work and a larger vision of a zero-carbon energy future. CEBA members are experts at what they do, but with hundreds of companies all focused on their own priorities, it is those connections that keep our community driving toward our common goal of ensuring a viable, expedient, cost-effective pathway to renewable energy for every organization.
The Education & Engagement (E&E) team was bowled over by the determination of the community to push the market forward no matter the challenges of 2020.
CEBA members turned out in force during our inaugural CEBA Virtual Member Summit. Over four months, our members delivered 70 hours to 371 attendees. CEBA at VERGE connected our community with the broader sustainability world. Of the 634 unique attendees at REBA-led sessions, about 65% were from outside our membership. Despite the distance, an enthusiastic team of experienced energy buyers, legal experts, and procurement professionals served as faculty for our in-depth, interactive REBA Boot Camps.
CEBA members leveraged our ever-evolving digital platform, the CEBA InterConnect, our member portal, our CEBA InterConnect, our member portal, to connect to their peers and fellow renewables professionals.
Innovative thought-leaders across our membership connected with renewable energy practitioners seeking to make a larger impact through their energy procurement. In March, members learned from Google and Green Strategies about 24/7 Carbon-Free Energy in an interactive online workshop. The resulting Accelerating the Decarbonization Impact of Energy Procurement Primer showcased decarbonization strategies for energy buyers in pursuit of next-level energy goals.
In October, CEBA member Salesforce released its More Than a Megawatt paper that focused on embedding social and environmental impacts in the renewable energy procurement process by leveraging industry expertise. Through a generous Salesforce grant, the REBA Institute will launch a new initiative to build on this workstream, which includes a collaborative partnership with Groundswell to drive community engagement throughout the energy procurement process.
In 2021, the CEBA E&E team will be expanding on many of this year’s efforts. Like in 2020, we are sure to see some curve balls, but the team is excited about working with our fantastic community to adapt to whatever comes next to keep those connections going.
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