Call to Fund State Involvement in Organized Wholesale Power Market Expansion

CEBA joins key peer organizations urging Congress to support a dedicated program at the Department of Energy’s Office of Electricity (DOE-OE) and the State Energy Program (SEP) that would provide technical and financial assistance to states related to organized wholesale power market expansion.
Organized wholesale power markets are essential for accelerating decarbonization efforts in the US. These markets are important mechanisms for ensuring grid reliability while reducing costs for energy customers in the transition to a carbon-free economy. While there is significant momentum at the federal level for increasing energy infrastructure and organized markets, CEBA recognizes that states face additional barriers to participating in these markets. These barriers include the technical capacity to align with existing markets and to study the specific costs and benefits associated with joining a Regional Transmission Organization (RTO) or Independent System Operator (ISO). Congress should provide funding support to states through a dedicated program at the DOE-OE and the reauthorization of the SEP. Funding for these programs will facilitate greater state involvement in developing well-designed, customer-centric organized wholesale electricity markets that benefit end-use customers.
Click below to download the full letter for additional details and list of signatories.